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Google Hangouts

Google Hangouts

Google meet is a video-communication service that allows two-way and multi-way audio and video calls between individuals.  Google meet is used by over 100 million users a day and it use grew exponentially during the recent Covid-19 closures.  Primarily it has been used to enable teams of workers to continue to communicate and collaborate with one another while working remotely.  Google Meet has also become popular with teachers as its functionality enables the continuation of synchronous teaching and learning during school closures.

Using Google Meet as a medium for the continuation of education during school closures has enabled teachers and students to overcome many of the barriers remote learning has presented.  Google Meet’s functionality can be utilised by teachers to design traditional and socially constructivist learning environments.  Sophisticated pedagogy approaches can enable students to engage in team work despite not being co-located.

In this webinar, teachers will be introduced to traditional and socially constructivist approaches to teaching and learning using Google Meet, provided with examples of how Google Meet can be used to continue teaching and learning of the primary school curriculum, shown how a socially constructivist approach to teaching and learning using Google meet can enable the continuation of student to student team work, introduced to resources to enable teachers to enhance their own remote teaching capacity, followed by a short discussion about using Google Meet in the primary school classroom.        

Facilitator: Dermot Walsh is a teaching principal at St. Patrick’s N.S., Cornanool and a Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science and Statistics, specialising in the beneficial educational use of technology at primary school.  Taking a pedagogy first approach to technology enhanced learning, our students utilise G-Suite, Google Sites, Google Class, Scratch, Microsoft Make Code, Makey Makeys and BBC:Microbits to enhance their learning at school. 

Successful registrants will be emailed with a zoom code in advance of the webinar

Course Details

Course Start Date / Time 03-11-2020 7:00 pm
Course End Date / Time 03-11-2020 8:00 pm
Capacity 50
Cut off date 03-11-2020 12:00 pm
Fee Free
Number Hours 1
Speaker Dermot Walsh
Location Zoom Webinar

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